Communication: Concept, Types, Theories and Models Part I Short Notes | Library Science

In this topic we'll cover introduction, components and types of communication. However, if you're looking for Models of Communication Please read this article! CLICK


According to Newman and summer,
“communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotionsby two or more persons”

Communication: is also defined as intercourse through words, letters, symbols or messages and as a way throughwhich the member of an organization shares meaning and understanding with another

Theodorson and Theodorson (1969) stated that communication as a process of transformation of information ideas, attitudes or emotions from one person or group to another or others premarily through symbols. 

Schramm, (1971) conceived of communication as a process of transferring feelings,
motivations, ideas and knowledge from one mind to another, in a way in which the receiver was seen as a passive agent.

Communication plays an important role in carrying out various activities that are geared towards meeting the information needs of the users such as acquisition, cataloguing, classification and dissemination of information to various library users.

Elements of Communication

There are 6 elements in the process of communication:
  1.  Sender: It is the person who conveys his message to other persons. The sender may besuperior, a subordinate, a peer or any other person.
  2.  Message: it contains ideas, feelings, suggestions, order etc., which is to be passed to the receiver from the sender.
  3.  Encoding: it is the process in which the message is to be converted into symbols such aswords, pictures, gestures etc
  4.  Media/Channel: It is that path through which the encoded message is transmitted by the sender in the written form, face to face, phone call, internet etc.
  5. Decoding: it is the process of converting the encoded symbols of the sender.
  6. Receiver: It is the person to whom the messages are transmitted.
  7. Feedback: Feedback is necessary to ensure that the receiver has received the message and
understood it in the same sense as the sender intended.

Types of Communication:

Intra-personal communication
This refers to a process when one communicates with one's own self. Such
communication is within the selfand to the self, e.g., thinking, working out a problem, writing diaries, etc. (Holmberg, 1981).

Inter-personal communication
This is the communication that takes place when at least two people interact,
whether face-to-face, e.g., an interview, talking to friends in a cafe, or otherwise, as with a telephone conversation etc. In this case, emphasis is laid on speech as well as on non-verbal forms of communication.

Group communication
By group communication we mean communication within and between
groups of people. The groups may be small, such as a family, or large, as in the case of a committee meeting.

Mass communication
In this case the communication is received by or used by large numbers of people, e.g., an open-air concert for a thousand people, ridio and postal systems, etc.
Whatever the type of communication, its purposes are more or less similar. Given below is a brief account of the various purposes of human communication.

Some of the purposes of communication are to
  • give, get or exchange information,
  • use communication to form or to maintain relationships,
  • persuade others to think in the way that one does, or to act in the way
  • one wants,
  • gain, maintain or exert power over others,
  • make decisions about what we think and do,
  • express our ideas and ourselves to others, and
  • make sense of the world and our experience of it.

That's it for now, we shall conclude the whole topic in coming articles, keep following ...

  • Refrences:



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