Information Science: Relationship With Other Subjects. |Library Science Short Notes|

 Information science deals with the process of collecting, storing, retrieving, and use of information. It is concerned with recordable information and knowledge, and the technologies and related services that facilitate their management and use.

Relationship of Information Science with other subjects:

Information science involves several disciplines especially library science, behavioral science, social science, abstracting and indexing, communication science, business and computer science.

Information science as an academic discipline is often taught in combination with Library science as Library and Information Science. Library science as such is a field related to the dissemination of information through libraries making use of the principles of information science. Information science deals with all the processes and techniques pertaining to the information life cycle, including capture, generation, packaging, dissemination, transformation, refining, repackaging, usage, storage, communication, protection, presentation etc. in any possible manner. 

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