Right to Information Act (RTI); Information Technology Act

Right to Information Act 2005 and Information Technology (IT) Act 2000 are the two important topics for any competitive exams of Library and Information Science. Carefully read the highlighted points and remember the dates! :-)

 Right to Information Act, 2005 

Right to Information Act 2005 mandates timely response to citizen requests for government information.

  • Came into force on 15 June 2005
  • Replaced the Freedom of Information Act 2002.
  • Comprises 31 Sections and 6 chapters
  • Chapters:
  1. Preliminary
  2. Right to information and obligations of public authorities.
  3. Central information commission
  4. State information commission
  5. Powers and functions, appeals and penalities
  6. Miscellaneous 
Information under section 2(f) of the 'Right to Information Act, 2005' means any material in any form, thus include: Records, Documents, Memos, E-mails, Papers, Opinions, Advices, Press Releases, Circulars, Samples, Orders, Log books, Contracts, Reports.

Some states/UTs had individual State Right To Information Acts by then - Goa (1997), Karnataka (2000),Delhi (2001), Assam (2002),Madhya Pradesh (2003) and Jammu & Kashmir (2004)

Information Technology Act, 2000

  • Also called Cyber Law of India
  • came into force on 17 October 2000.
  • 13 Chapters, 94 Sections, and 4 schedules.
  • Recent IT(Amendment) Act, 2008
  • Based on the United Nations Model Law on Electronic Commerce 1996 (UNCITRAL Model)

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