UGC NET Library Science 2019 | Solved Paper MCQs Part 2

This is the Part 2 of UGC NET Library and Information Science 2019 solved paper MCQs with Explanations wherever necessary. You can attempt quizzes also on this website. 

UGC NET Library Science Solved Paper 2019✋

You can access the quizzes related to these questions here: 

UGC NET 2019 Library Science Quiz | Part 1

UGC NET 2019 Library Science Quiz | Part 2

UGC NET 2019 Library Science Quiz | Part 3

UGC NET 2019 Library Science Quiz | Part 4


1. Who proposed General System Theory of Communication?

W.R. Ashby

Shannon and Weaver

Robert T. Craig

Ludwig Von Bertalanffy ✔

Explanation: none

2. Identity the publication years of different editions of AACR (i) 1967, (ii) 1970, (iii) 1978, (iv) 1988

(i), (ii) and (iv) are correct

(i), (iii) and (iv) are correct ✔

(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct

(ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct

Explanation: AACR 1967, AACR 2 1978, AACR2R 1988

3. Which of the following is an example of 'microblogging'?

Word press


Live journal

Twitter ✔

Explanation: none

4. Identify the services of OCLC from the following (i) Infoport (ii) OJAS (iii) First search (iv) Question point

(iii) and (iv) are correct ✔

(ii) and (iv) are correct

(i) and (ii) are correct

(i) and (iv) are correct

Explanation: none

5. Which of the following are Reference Style Management tools? (i) Stata (ii) Ref works (iii) Mendeley (iv) Zotero

(i) and (iv) are correct

(i) and (ii) are correct

(ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct ✔

(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct

Explanation: none

6. What is 'Epilogue' in a thesis?

First Chapter

Final Chapter ✔

Title Page


Explanation: none

7. The g-index was proposed by:

Jorge Hirsch

Bill Smith

Leo Egghe ✔

Olle Persson

Explanation: none

8. Indian Library Review' is a blog of

National Library of India ✔




Explanation: none

9. Which of the budget methods emphasized on identification of program objectives and the measurement of result?

Line Budgeting



Item budgeting

Explanation: none

10. Who popularized the term 'Bibliomania'?

Ted Nelson

Thomas Frognall Dibdin ✔

George Kingsley Zipf

Theodore Besterman

Explanation: none

11. Who popularized the term 'Bibliomania'?

Ted Nelson

Thomas Frognall Dibdin ✔

George Kingsley Zipf

Theodore Besterman

Explanation: none

12. There is no significant difference in the proportion of male and female librarians in the study population is an example of

Hypothesis of point prevalence

Null-hypothesis ✔

Hypothesis of association

Hypothesis of difference

Explanation: none

13. Match the following protocols with their creators: List-I List-II (a) HTTP (i) Eric Rescoria and Allan M. Schiffman (b) SHTTP (ii) Tim Berners Lee (c) FTP (iii) Robert E. Kahn and Vintcerf (d) SMTP (iv)Abhay Bhusan Codes: (a) (b) (c) (d)

(ii) (iv) (i) (iii)

(ii) (iii) (i) (iv)

(ii) (i) (iv) (iii) ✔

(iv) (i) (ii) (iii)

Explanation: none

14. Identity the publication years of different editions of AACR (i) 1967, (ii) 1970, (iii) 1978, (iv) 1988

(i), (ii) and (iv) are correct

(i), (iii) and (iv) are correct ✔

(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct

(ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct

Explanation: AACR 1967, AACR 2 1978, AACR2R 1988

15. Annual publication, listing a set of events forthcoming in the next year is known as

Almanac ✔




Explanation: A yearbook covers about past year, while as an Almanac covers about coming year, like anniversaries, sunrises and sunsets etc.

16. Who introduced the term 'Literary Warrant'?

S.R. Ranganathan

Wyndham Hulme ✔

Melvil Dewey

J.D. Brown

Explanation: none

17. The UK Committee on RDA (UKCOR) is supported by (i) CILIP (ii) The British Library (iii) OCLC (iv)UNESCO

(i) and (iii) are correct

(ii) and (iv) are correct

(i) and (ii) are correct ✔

(i) and (iv) are correct

Explanation: none

18. Which of the following are the high-level classes or entities in the BIBFRAME model? (i) Work (ii) Instance (iii) Item (iv) Author

(ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct

(i), (iii) and (iv) are correct

(i), (ii) and (iv) are correct

(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct ✔

Explanation: none

19. Who is the creator of 'R' statistics?

Dale H. Bent and H.E. Garrett

Norman H. Nie and C. Hadlai Hull

Ross Inaka and Robert Gentleman ✔

Harold Cramer and John Chambers

Explanation: none

20. In data transfer process, which of the following is used for strengthening the signals



Switching packets

Repeater ✔

Explanation: none

1. Which of the following are not the publication of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. (i) Economic and Political Weekly (ii) University News (iii) Yojana (iv) Vigyan Pragati

(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct

(i), (iii) and (iv) are correct

(i), (ii) and (iv) are correct ✔

(ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct

Explanation: Yojana is a monthly journal published since 1957

2. Which of the following consortium supports e-resources exclusively for health sciences?





Explanation: HELINET (Health Science Library & Information Network) conceived by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS), Bangalore, Karnataka in 2002 launched in 2003.

3. Which of the following technologies use electronic waves at radio frequency for data transmission?


Wi-fi ✔

Optical cables

Twisted pairs

Explanation: none

4. Who authored the book entitled 'Putting Knowledge to work'?

J.S. Brown

S.C. Bradford

Herman M. Weisman

Pauline Atherton ✔

Explanation: none

5. What is the range for getting Gold level of certification under leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)?



60-79 ✔


Explanation: Developed by United States Green Building Council (USGBC). Range 40-49 is for Certified, 50-59 for silver, 60-79 for Gold, 80 for platinum.

6. Which layer of the OSI Model is mostly concerned with the syntax of the data?

Presentation layer ✔

Session layer

Data link layer

Network layer

Explanation: Presentation layer Encodes and Decodes the messages

7. Which of the following 'Change Management Model' has three stages namely, unfreezing, changing and refreezing?

Mary Parker Follett's Model

Lillion Gilberth's Model

Henry Mintzberg's Model

Kurt Lewin's Model ✔

Explanation: Also called Three Step Change Model

8. According to S.R. Ranganatan Wherever telescoping of array is done, the canon of Hierarchy is violated. This violation is deliberately done to satisfy

Law of Parsimony ✔

Law of Local Variation

Law of Symmetry

Law of Interpretation

Explanation: none

9. 'Research in Progress' database developed by INFLIBNET is known as




Shodhgangotri ✔

Explanation: none

10. Identify the committee charged with the responsibility for Indian standards related to libraries




MSD-5 ✔

Explanation: none

11. Dublin Core Metadata Element set version 1.1 consists of

Fifteen elements ✔

Eighteen elements

Twenty elements

Twenty two elements

Explanation: none

12. Index Indiana' is

An index of Indian language periodical literature

An index to Reference material

An index to English Language literature

An index of library science literature only ✔

Explanation: none

13. Loss of signal power as light travel down the fibre is called

Attenuation ✔




Explanation: none

14. Which of the following are Web-Zine? (i) Email Magazine (ii) E-conference (iii) On-line Bulletin (iv) Electronic News Letter

(i), (iii) and (iv) are correct ✔

(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct

(ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct

(i), (ii) and (iv) are correct

Explanation: none

15. Identify the name of 'Editor-in-Chief' of Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative index Edition 23

P. Green

J. Martin

Joan S. Mitchell ✔

A. Kent

Explanation: none

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