DRDO Library Science Paper (41-60) Solved with Explanations

DRDO Library and Information Science Previous Year Solved Paper with Answers and explanations part 3 (41-60 questions). You can browse for other papers and quizzes also. Share us with your friends and colleagues!

Library science solved questions and answers paper

Q.41 The five laws of Library Science published in the book form in the year





Answer: (B)1931

Explanation: None

Q.42 The Librarian Day celebrated on

(A) 15th Sep

(B) 24th Nov

(C) 11th Dec

(D) 12th Aug

Answer: (D) 12th Aug

Explanation: None

Q.43 Resource sharing is a part of

(A) Library cooperation

(B)Library Administration

(C)Library Management

(D)Library Cataloging

Answer: (A) Library cooperation

Explanation: Sharing of library resources by certain participating libraries among themselves on the basis of the principle of co-operation. This is applicable in sharing of documents, manpower, services, space and equipments.

Q.44 How many columns are there in the accession register?

(A) 10

(B) 12

(C) 14

(D) 16

Answer: (C) 14

Explanation: None

Q. 45 Who introduced Three card system

(A) Krishan Kumar

(B) C. K. Sharma

(C) Cutter

(D) S. R. Ranganathan

Answer: (D) S. R. Ranganathan

Explanation: None

Q.46 Reference sources are those

(A) Which are large in size

(B) Which are read at home easily

(C) Which used to obtain particular information

(D) Which are costly

Answer: (C) Which used to obtain particular information

Explanation: None

Q.47 What is National bibliography?

(A) List of books of National Library

(B) List of books published in a particular Nation

(C) List of books written by National government

(D) List of books on a nation

Answer: (B) List of books published in a particular Nation

Explanation: None

Q.48 In which year DDC 23rd edition was published

(A) 2000

(B) 2011

(C) 2003

(D) 2010

Answer: (B) 2011

Explanation: None

Q.49 ________________ is one of the records of circulation section

A. Accession Register

B. Day book

C. Catalogue Card

D. AACR-2 (R)

Answer: A. Accession Register

Explanation: None

Q.50 Sear’s List of Subject Headings (SLSH) is mainly useful for

(A) Small and medium libraries

(B) Special libraries

(C) Academic libraries

(D) College libraries

Answer: (A) Small and medium libraries

Explanation: First published in 1923 it was designed by Miss Minnie Earl Sears for providing standard subject headings in small libraries of about 20,000 titles. Its revised editions have been regularly brought out by its proprietary publisher H.W. Wilson Company, New York.

Q.51 . In which year DDC 23rd edition was published

(A) 2000

(B) 2011

(C) 2003

(D) 2010

Answer: (B) 2011

Explanation: None

Q.52 Call Number of a Book Means

(A) Book Number

(B) Class Number

(C) Both (A) and (B) are true

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C) Both (A) and (B) are true

Explanation: None

Q.53 “POSDCORB” coined by

(A) Peter F. Drucker

(B) Harold Koontz

(C) F.W. Taylor

(D) Luther Gulick

Answer: (D) Luther Gulick

Explanation: It appeared most prominently in a 1937 paper by Luther Gulick (in a set edited by himself and Lyndall Urwick). However, he first presented the concept in 1935.

Q.54 Herzberg’s theory deals with

(A) Staffing

(B) Directing

(C) Motivation

(D) Planning

Answer: (C) Motivation

Explanation: None

Q.55 How many digits have in the ISSN

(A) 10

(B) 8

(C) 13

(D) 15

Answer: (B) 8

Explanation: None

Q.56 Main use of Shelf list is

(A) Cataloging

(B) Circulation

(C) Stock Verification

(D) Book Selection

Answer: (C) Stock Verification

Explanation: None

Q.57 Which national agency in India is responsible for assigning the ISBN




(D) National Library of India

Answer: (A) RRRLF

Explanation: None

Q.58 Financial support given to libraries are of two types - Recurring and

(A) Ad-hoc

(B) Endowments

(C) Annual

(D) Non-recurring

Answer: (D) Non-recurring

Explanation: None

Q.59 Scrutiny of financial transactions is called

(A) Budgeting

(B) Programming

(C) Accounting

(D) Auditing

Answer: (D) Auditing

Explanation: Audit is the examination or inspection of various books of accounts by an auditor followed by physical checking of inventory to make sure that all departments are following documented system of recording transactions.

In library context: An audit verifies cartridge locations and updates the library database, which contains the volume ID, current location, and verified status for each cartridge. The library automatically performs an audit after an access door closes or after the library initializes.

Q.60 Study carrels are exclusive areas meant for……………

A. students

B. public

C. women

D. researchers

Answer: D. Researchers

Explanation: None

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