Important Abbreviations of Library Science| UGC NET SET JRF NVS KVS DRDO Librarian Exams

Hey folks! Today we'll be dropping abbreviations that are very important for you to know as a library science student. Visit this page as the abbreviations will be updated regularly. Thanks! 


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Important Library and Information Science abbreviations (a-z).

AACR: Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules.

ALCTS : The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services

AJAX : Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

ANSI : American National Standards Institute

API : Application Programming Interface.

ARL : Association of Research Libraries.

ARPANET: Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.

ASIS: American Society for Information Science. 

ASLIB: Association for Information Management, previously, the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureau.

ASTINFO : Regional Network for the exchange of information and experience in science and technology in Asia and the Pacific

BLAISE : British Library’s Automated Information Service

BIS : Bureau of Indian Standards

CALIBER: Convention on Automation of LIBraries in Education and Research Institutions. 

CAS: Current Awareness Service 

CCF: Common Communication Format

CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. 

CMS: Content Management System.

COPSAT : Current Online Patent in Science and Technology

COUNTER : Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources

CPM : Critical Path Method

DCMI: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.

DDS: Document Delivery Service 

DELNET: Developing Library NETwork.

DLF: Digital Library Federation.

DMAIC: Define, Measure, Access, Improve and Control

DNS: Domain Naming System. 

DRTC: Documentation Research and Training Centre.

ENIAC : Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator

ESS : Electronic Spread Sheet

EUAL : End User License Agreement

FAIFE : Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression

FRAD: Functional Requirements for Authority Data. 

FRBR: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. 

FSF: Free Software Foundation.

FTE : Full-Time equivalent

FTP: File Transfer Protocol.

GPRS: General Packet Radio Service. 

GSDL: Green Stone Digital Library Software.

GUI : Graphic User Interface 

HTML: Hyper Text Mark Up Language. 

HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. 

IASLIC: Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers. 

IATLIS: Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science. 

ICOLC : International Coalition of Library Consortia

IFLA: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. 

ILL: Inter Library Loan 

INDEST: Indian National Digital library in Engineering Sciences and Technology 

INFLIBNET: INFormation and LIBrary NETwork 

IP: Internet Protocol. 

ISBD: International Standard Bibliographic Description. 

ISO: International Organization for Standardization. 

ISP: Internet Service Provider. 

ISSN : International Standard Serial Number. 

JANET: Joint Academic NETwork. 

JOCLAI : Joint Council of Library Associations of India 

LAN: Local Area Network.

LCSH – Library of Congress Subject Heading

LIPHIS - Linked Phrase Indexing System) was developed by  T.C. Craven

LOCKSS : Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe

MALI: Medical Library Association of India. 

MAN: Metropolitan Area Network. 

MARC : MAchine Readable Catalogue.

MEDLARS : Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System

METS : Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard

MIPS : Million Instructions Per Second

NCP: Network Control Protocol. 

NISCAIR: National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources.

NSF: National Science Foundation. 

OAI-PMH: Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. 

OCLC: Online Computer Library Centre. 

OPAC: Online Public Access Catalogue

OWL : Web Ontology Language

PCM : Pulse Code Modulation

PERT : Program Evaluation and Review Techniqu

PLANNER: Promotion of Library Automation and Networking in North Eastern Region.

RDA: Resource Description and Access.

RFID : Radio Frequency IDentification

RRRLF: Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation

SCONUL : The Standing Conference on National and University Libraries

SDI: Selective Dissemination of Information 

SIS: Society for Information Science. 

SOUL : Software for University Libraries

SRU : Search / Retrieval via URL

SYNTOL : Syntagmatic Organisation Language

TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. 

UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. 

UNIMARC: Universal Machine Readable Catalogue

URL: Uniform Resource Locator.

UTF : Unicode Transformation Format (16 bit  to 7/8 bit character conversion)

VDU : Visual Display Unit

VGA : Video Graphic Adopter

VLSI : Very Large Sale Integration

WADEX : Word and Author Index

WAN: Wide Area Network.

WCDMA : Wideband Code Division Multiple Access

WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization.

WORM : Write Once Ready Many

WPI : World Patents Index

WWW: World Wide Web.

YAHOO : Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle

ZBB : Zero Base Budgeting

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