JKSET 2013 Library Science | Solved Paper III (1-25) MCQs with Explanations

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Library science solved MCQs
JKSET 2013 Paper III Solved 

JKSET 2013 Paper III Library and Information Science Solved Paper. (1-25)

1. What is knowledge?
(A) Organized body of information 
(B) Organized information
(C) Human working
(D) To gain information
Answer: (A) Organized body of information ✔
Explanation: None

2. Who enunciated Mathematical theory of information ?
(A) Shanon and Weaver
(B) W.Weaver
(C) James Mill
(D) D.T. Foskette
Answer: (A) Shanon and Weaver ✔
Explanation: None

3. The Communication from generation to generation is
called ?
(A) Oral Communication
 (B) Verbal Communication 
 (C) Tele Communication
 (D) Wireless Communication
Answer: (B) Verbal Communication ✔
Explanation: None

4. What are the most important implications for Fourth
law ?
(A) Open Access
(B) Proper classification arrangement
(C) Charging System
(D) All of the above
Answer: (D) All of the above ✔
Explanation: None

5. What is open access system ?
(A) Books are arranged in open shelves
(B) Books are arranged in classified order
(C) Readers have freedom to access books
(D) All of the above 
Answer: (D) All of the above ✔
Explanation: None

6. Library Movement in India started in which year ?
 (A) 1900
 (B) 1905
 (C) 1910 
 (D) 1915
Answer: (C) 1910 ✔

Explanation: None
7. What are the three types of Network ?
Answer:(D) WAN,MAN,LAN ✔
Explanation: None

8. Guides to Literature comes under which category of
sources :
(A) Primary Sources
(B) Secondary Sources
(C) Tertiary Sources 
(D) Reference Sources
Answer: (C) Tertiary Sources ✔
Explanation: None

9. E-journals are accessed through :
(A) Gopher and FTP
(B) Telnet and E-mail
(C) Discussion List
(D) All of these 
Answer: (D) All of these ✔
Explanation: None

10. In which type of library service, the display of newly
acquired books and journals fall ?
(B) CAS 
(C) Reference Service
(D) Information Service
Answer: (B) CAS ✔
Explanation: Current Awareness Service (CAS) is a way of letting users know about materials that have been newly received in the resource centre.

11. Henry La fontane and Paul Otlet were associated with which one following classification scheme :
(B) SC
(C) LC
(D) UDC 
Answer: (D) UDC ✔
Explanation: UDC (1905)

12. Who gave first the concept of ready reference service ?
(A) M.Hutchins
(B) Lois Shores
(C) S.R.Ranganathan 
(D) Allen Kent
Answer: (C) S.R.Ranganathan ✔
Explanation: None

13. Who is the publisher of Books in Print ?
(A) Wilson Company
(B) Bowker Company
(C) McMillon Company
Answer: (B) Bowker Company
Explanation: First edition published in 1870. (Frequency: Annual)

14. When OCLC was set up in USA ?
(A) 1965
(B) 1960
(C) 1962
(D) 1967
Answer: (D) 1967 ✔
Explanation: Founded in 1967 as the Ohio College Library Center, then became the Online Computer Library Center as it expanded. (Name changed in 1981)

15. Which network converted the libraries into virtual
libraries ?
(A) Internet
(B) I net
(C) Janet
Answer: (A) Internet ✔
Explanation: None

16. The latest UNESCO Public Library Manifesto was published in the year :
(A) 1990
(B) 1994
(C) 2001 
(D) 1995
Answer: (B) 1994 ✔
Explanation: 29 November, 1994.

17. The term “Information Retrieval” was coined by :
(A) B.C. Vickery
(B) S.R. Ranganathan
(C) F.W.Lancaster
(D) Calvin N. Mooers
Answer: (D) Calvin N. Mooers ✔
Explanation: The term 'information retrieval' was coined by Calvin Mooers in 1950.

18. The term ’virtual library’ was coined by :
(A) Paul Zurkowski
(B) Michael Casey
(C) Tim Berners Lee
(D) Mark Zuckerberg
Answer: (C) Tim Berners Lee✔
Explanation: None

19. “Shodhganga” is a repository of :
(A) E-Resources
(B) E-thesis
(C) E-Journals
(D) E-books
Answer: (B) E-thesis ✔
Explanation: None

20. Scopus is based on :
(A) Chain Indexing
(D) Citation Indexing
Answer: (D) Citation Indexing ✔
Explanation: None

21. NASSDOC is an organisation of
Answer: (D) ICSSR ✔
Explanation: National Social Science Documentation Centre (NASSDOC), Established in 1970, as a division of ICSSR. 

22. ‘WIKI’ is coined by :
(A) Ward G. Cunningham 
(B) NAM June Paik
(C) Thomas Vandar Wall
(D) Timothy John Berners –Lee
Answer: (A) Ward G. Cunningham ✔
Explanation: None

23. Example of wireless internet services through cables :
(A) Wifi 
(C) Broadband
(D) Landline
Answer: (A) Wifi 
Explanation: None

24. Following is not Web 2.0 tool :
(A) Blog
(B) Facebook
(D) RSS Feeds
Answer: (C) UGC-INFONET 2.0
Explanation: RSS Feeds, Facebook, Blog are examples of Web 2.0 (Social Web/Interactive Web)

25. Lotka’s Law is concerned with :
(A) Single number of paper per author
(B) Two papers per author
(C) Three papers per author
(D) Average number of papers per author
Answer: (D) Average number of papers per author
Explanation: Lotka's Law(1926) describes the frequency of publication by authors in a given field.

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